essie expressie Quick-Dry Vegan Nail Polish, 200 in the time zone

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essie expressie Quick-Dry Vegan Nail Polish, Pastel Pink 200 In The Time Zone

by essie

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Last updated 33 minutes ago.
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Scegli tra 50 varianti:

  • Quick Drying One-Step Nail Polish: You've got places to be, that's why our fast-drying one-step color and shine formula dries in about a minute; You can grab, apply, and dry on the fly—no top coat needed
  • Easy Application: This nail polish features our first ever angled brush for easy self-application with both hands, including your non-dominant hand; To switch, simply flip the brush and angle it down
  • Wide Selection of Colors: Express yourself with 40 unconventional, trans-seasonal nail polish colors in a vegan formula that contains no animal-derived ingredients; Grab your favorite hues and get creative
  • America's Nail Expert: We inspire a love for the manicure experience with a wit and style that's become the go to for salon professionals, beauty junkies, industry insiders, celebrities and fashion icons
  • Essie Nail Luxury: For more than 35 years, we've been a color authority and leader in nail luxury, committed to high quality standards with an award-winning line of nail polishes and nail care products


essie expressie Quick-Dry Vegan Nail Polish, 40 checked in

Smalto ad asciugatura rapida In un solo passaggio colore e lucentezza, si asciuga in circa un minuto.

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