How to compare skincare and makeup prices for the Black Friday

On Nedysia you can choose products from thousands of brands and buy at the best price. You choose the product, we find the best offers for you.

Nedysia helps you find the best deals and savings on over 1000 brands through our platform, with which you can explore and buy skincare, makeup and hair care products. Choose from thousands of cosmetic products for your makeup, skin care, fragrances, nails and much more, being able to filter both by type of product and by price range.

We are not a retailer, but we combine within a single platform many stores, comparing their prices on thousands of products, allowing you to save money and to place your order directly from the selected store.

The presence of multiple stores means that if a product is not available in one of them, you can buy it in another. In fact, it is possible that a product is available in a store, perhaps with a different price, we automatically select the best price for you.

We also give you the option to set notifications for price changes.

With Nedysia you can also create alerts on price drops and receive a notification when the price drops to the price you want.

You can find a huge amount of products from skincare to makeup: our selection is constantly updated.

Nedysia is also at your side in choosing your makeup products. You can create your own routine by picking your favorite products or products that you would like to have in your beauty case.

If you have no idea what you are looking for, you can always take a look at the Nedysia routines created through the knowledge of the most famous makeup artists who create beauty trends.

Our routines are always constantly updated, we create both elaborate and simple tricks, adapting them to the coolest trends of the moment to give style to your looks.

Our makeup routines are customized for every type of event and occasion, find the ideal one for you!

And it does not end here: on Nedysia you will find all the secrets and tips for perfect skincare, because your first and real goal is to have healthy skin. The second to have a lot of constancy, these are the real secrets to get a perfect skin.

You can create your routines in a few simple steps. Start from your skin type, select products, add steps, customize your routine and publish to share your routine.

Choose the products that best suit your needs to achieve the goal you have set for yourself.


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